Centrifugal Directly Coupled Fans: in Standard execution the fluid temperature must not exceed 80°C, while in High temperature execution with cooling fan the fluid temperature must not exceed 150°C.

Centrifugal Belt Drive Fans: in Standard execution the fluid temperature must not exceed 90°C, while in High temperature execution with cooling fan the fluid temperature must not exceed 350°C. 

Axial Directly Coupled Fans: Minimum working temperature -20°C, Maximum +40°C. For higher temperatures please contact our technical department.

Axial Belt Drive Fans: Minimum working temperature -20°C, Maximum + 70°C.

For the specific characteristics of all the fans series we invite you to have a look to the related pages and catalogues. For further information do not hesitate to contact us!


BP - BPR  SERIES: for the removal of clean or slightly dusty air. They have high efficiency and reduced noise level, the fans of this series are largely used, inventilation, conditioning, drying, cooling, mechnical draft, and toxic gas elimination plants.

BP: Centrifugal forward curved fans or centrifugal radial bladed fans, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 49).

BPR: Centrifugal backward curved fans or centrifugal radial bladed fans, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 64).


BPc - BPRc  SERIES: The high output centrifugal fans of this series are suitable for the suction of clean or plants slightly dusty air in civil and industrial air conditioning. In particular plants for: Ventilation (stables, mines, tunnels), Suction (vitated air, welding fumes, vapours from solvent tanks and spraying booths), Aeration (storage bins, sheds), Cooling (plastic material, cloths, glass plates), Drying (fodder, cereals, papers, varnishes, wood), Elimination (fumes and toxic gas).

BPc: Centrifugal forward curved fans or centrifugal radial bladed fans, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 49).

BPRc: Centrifugal backward curved fans or centrifugal radial bladed fans, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 64).


EVP - EVF - EVL SERIES: Helical fans suitable for sucking in smokes, as well as vitiated, dusty and wet air in the foundries, cement factories, paper factories and joinery works. For the aeration of local rooms, for drying paper, wool, pasta tiles in the application to radiators, unit heaters, cooling towers, etc. and generally where it is necessary to transport big volumes of the air with low pressures. ATEX: the EVP series is achievable only in version II3GDAxial fans with impeller with aerofoil blades, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 50).


EVc SERIES: The helical electric fans, type EVc are partucularly suitable for the suction of fumes and for contaminated, dusty and damp air. This type of fan is mainly used in the spray booths where it offers a considerable safety guarantee against the danger of fire due to the particular construction with rotor of spark-proof material and the motor anchoraged on the outside of the fan. Axial fan with impeller with aerofoil bladesthat, meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 50).


EVT SERIES: The exhaust asial towers are suitable for the suctin of vitiated air flue gases and vapour from the environment. They are very useful during the summer season in those environments where air changes are necessary in order to keep the room ventilated.They are also used for the aeration of workshops, founderies, cement factories, tanneries, joineries, and for chemical mechanical and metallurgical industries where big air volumes have to be sucked at low pressure. Axial fan with impeller with aerofoil blades, that meet the minimum efficiency requirements required by the ERP 2015 (Ntarget = 50).

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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.

I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image.

Duis dictum tristique lacus, id placerat dolor lobortis sed. In nulla lorem, accumsan sed mollis eu, dapibus non sapien. Curabitur eu adipiscing ipsum. Mauris ut dui turpis, vel iaculis est. Morbi molestie fermentum sem quis ultricies. Mauris ac lacinia sapien. Fusce ut enim libero, vitae venenatis arcu. Cras viverra, libero a fringilla gravida, dolor enim cursus turpis, id sodales sem justo sit amet lectus. Fusce ut arcu eu metus lacinia commodo. Proin cursus ornare turpis, et faucibus ipsum egestas ut. Maecenas aliquam suscipit ante non consectetur. Etiam quis metus a dolor vehicula scelerisque.

Nam elementum consequat bibendum. Suspendisse id semper odio. Sed nec leo vel ligula cursus aliquet a nec nulla. Sed eu nulla quam. Etiam quis est ut sapien volutpat vulputate. Cras in purus quis sapien aliquam viverra et volutpat ligula. Vestibulum condimentum ultricies pharetra. Etiam dapibus cursus ligula quis iaculis. Mauris pellentesque dui quis mi fermentum elementum sodales libero consequat. Duis eu elit et dui varius bibendum. Sed interdum nisl in ante sollicitudin id facilisis tortor ullamcorper. Etiam scelerisque leo vel elit venenatis nec condimentum ipsum molestie. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed quis nulla et nibh aliquam cursus vitae quis enim. Maecenas eget risus turpis.